Children digging with Goki gardening set

Gardening is a great way to get children interested in nature and teach them about the environment. Not only is it a fun and interactive activity, but it can also teach children valuable life skills like responsibility, patience, and teamwork. Here are some gardening tips for children to help them get started and love the process!


1. Choose plants that are easy to grow

One of the most important things to consider when starting a garden with kids is to choose plants that are easy to grow. This will ensure that the kids stay engaged and see the fruits of their labour. Some easy-to-grow plants that are perfect for kids include sunflowers, beans, peas, and radishes.

2. Start small

When starting a garden with kids, it's important to start small. This will prevent them from getting overwhelmed and ensure that they stay motivated. Begin with a small plot of land or even a few containers, and gradually expand as their interest grows.

3. Make it fun

Gardening should be a fun and enjoyable experience for kids, so make it fun! Encourage them to get creative with their gardening tools, decorate their pots, and even create their own garden markers. You can also incorporate games into the gardening process, like "Who can water the plants the fastest?" or "Who can find the most worms or ladybirds?".

4. Teach them about composting

Composting is a great way to teach kids about recycling and the importance of reducing waste. Encourage kids to create a compost bin and explain how food scraps and other organic materials can be turned into nutrient-rich soil for their plants.

5. Incorporate science lessons

Gardening is a great way to incorporate science lessons into your child's education. Teach them about the different parts of a plant, the water cycle, and the importance of pollinators like bees and butterflies. You can also encourage them to keep a journal and record their observations as the plants grow.

6. Emphasise the importance of patience

Gardening requires patience, and this is a great lesson for kids to learn. Explain to them that plants take time to grow and that they need to be patient and consistent in their care for the plants to thrive. This will help them develop important skills like perseverance and delayed gratification.


In conclusion, gardening is a fantastic activity for children. It teaches them valuable life skills, gets them outside and engaged with nature, and can even improve their health and well-being. By following these gardening tips, you can help your child develop a lifelong love for gardening and the environment.

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